why did it turn out this way?
there was once peace and love,
now is the time for change
![]() ira-terror@bs.com. |
March 2009
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7/7 London bomb terrorist attack on bus
Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 10:11 PM
For more videos about the London Bombings,visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuhBdHc8Nqs In this video, there are some views from people on the London Bombing. One significant view is from Dr Andrew Dearden from the British Medical Association. He commented that the number of victims accumulated over the 3 hours of the London Bombing was equivalent to the number of casualties accumumlated in 6 months in a hospital. The reporter stated that the people that had became the victims of the London bombing had no warnings delivered to them ; it was just too sudden. It is an interesting video, go ahead and watch it! London Bombings- Witnesses tell of bomb blast hell
10:07 PM
Some excerpts from : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4659243.stmFor more views on the London Bombings visit the website listed above. Belinda Seabrook, Russell Square I was on the bus in front and heard an incredible bang, I turned round and half the double-decker bus was in the air. It was a massive explosion and there were papers and half a bus flying through the air. There must be a lot of people dead as all the buses were packed, they had been turning people away from the tube stops. We were about 20 metres away, that was all. Geraldine Fourmon, Tavistock Square There was a big bang. After the smoke went away I realised there was a double decker bus exploded. People were running towards me screaming and crying. I saw at least five people jump from the top deck of the bus. Half of it was blown away. They were jumping onto the street to escape. It was such a big explosion and the bus was packed because the tube was closed. People were covered with dust and debris. I didn't see any blood. 77 London Bombing CCTV
10:04 PM
This is a video on the 7th July London Bombings, caught on the CCTV. 7th July 2005; London Bombings - Impacts
10:01 PM
Impacts:Political impact: Although there were security alerts at many locations, no other terrorist incidents occurred outside central London. However, the security across the UK was raised to the highest alert level. Many other countries such as Canada, United States, France and Germany raised their own terror alert status. For a period of time, US commanders ordered troops based in the UK to avoid London. Police sniper units were reported to be tailing as many as 12 Al Qaeda suspects in Britain. The covert armed teams were also ordered to shoot and kill a terror suspect, which might be carrying a bomb, if he refused to surrender. Economic impact There were limited reactions to the attack in the world economy as measured by financial market and exchange rate activity. The pound fell 0.89 cents to a 19-month low against the U.S. dollar. The markets picked up again on 8 July as it became clear that the damage caused by the bombings was not as great as initially thought. By close of trading the market had fully recovered to above its level at start of trading on 7 July. Psychological Impacts The terrorist attacks on the three tube trains and double decker bus in London, England, may leave an emotional residue that can arise at any time among the survivors. These people suffer from shocking flashbacks, nightmares, and personality changes which leave the sufferer struggling to lead a 'normal' life. For those involved, either directly or as witnesses, one of the main problems they will face in the future will be their memories, This can induce a serious and common health condition known as PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings http://www.distanthealer.co.uk/london_bombings_7_7_2005.htm Background information of London Bombings.
9:57 PM
On the 7th July 2005, London bombings occurred on the London’s public transport system. In which, it is mostly during the morning rush hour period. The bombers of these bombings are from the terrorist group, Al Qaeda. They were basically, Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Germaine Lindsay and Hasib Hussain. This suicide bombings were triggered by the Britain’s involvement in the Iraq War and other conflicts.At about 08.50pm, three bombs has already exploded within less than 1 minute, on three different London Underground trains. The first bomb is located on an eastbound Circle Line sub-surface Underground train, number 204, and the second bomb exploded on the second carriage of a westbound Circle Line sub-surface Underground, number 216. In which the third bomb is situated on the southbound Piccadilly Line deep-level Underground train, number 311. It was originally thought that there had been six, rather than three, explosions on the Underground. However, at 09.10, a Code Amber Alert was declared and London Underground began to shut down the network, bringing trains into stations and suspending all services. At 09.47, the fourth bomb has exploded on a rear of the bus’s top deck in the Tavistock Square. It has killd about 52 commuters and the four suicide bombers. Fortunately, it has injured 700 of them and not led to their death. However, all these bombings has caused a huge discruption on the city’s transport system and the country’s mobile telecommunications infrastrucutre. This series of suicide-bomb explosions constituted the largest and deadliest terrorist attack on London's transit system in history. London bombings (7thJuly2005)
9:51 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 31st March 2009: IRA dissidents burn cars, block Belfast roads
2:26 AM
In Dublin, suspected IRA and their supporters hijacked cars on Monday in the Catholic areas of Northern Ireland in an attempt to block roads and threaten police stations.The Police Service of Northern Ireland said that it was receiving a wave of reports of vehicles being hijacked by masked gunmen in several parts of Belfast. Some vehicles were being set on fire in roads to disrupt traffic at the rush hour, while others were abandoned near 4 Belfast police stations and on Northern Ireland's major motorway near Lurgan. Police stated that they were treating all the abandoned vehicles as potential car bombs, even though this was most unlikely. They urged motorists to avoid Kilwilkie and parts of Catholic west Belfast entirely. One of the hijacked cars was abandoned on the M1 motorway, which connects Belfast to Dublin. Authorities shut part ir the motorway as a precaution. One abandoned vehicle- which police said did not contain a bomb- was left near the Stormont Parliamentary Building, the center of Northern Ireland's power-sharing government between the British Protestant majority and Irish Catholic minority. "The criminal terrorists responsible for the series of bomb scares and hijackings are beneath contempt and have no support whatsoever in the community," Robinson said. The hijackings and security alerts also coincided with a widespread breakdown of Belfast's traffic lights system. Police in a statement called that an "unfortunate coincidence". credit: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jNzlO_HDT9z2VIAjQtX2evl4EFUQD978HLGO0 |